About Me


Photo by Lance Garber-Off Center Photography

Hi, Welcome to my page. Since you are here, you must be curious as to who Vickie Fisher is. Let’s see where should I start? I was born in Baltimore MD, on November 1, 1955, as Vickie Lynne Myers… Guess that might be a little too far back. We moved to Carroll County MD, when I was six…Let’s fast forward a little farther down the road.

Being the adventurous soul that I am, I still live in Carroll County, on a small farm in Westminster, just five minutes from where I grew up. God has truly blessed be with three great children, a daughter-in-law and grandchildren. All whom I believe are God’s greatest gifts to me.

During the day I work at Amtrak, as a Chief Entitlement Clerk. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I could spend hours taking pictures of nature, and then writing about it. My favorite places for picture taken are my farm and Skyline Drive.

Being raised in the country you would think I would have always been aware of the wonders of nature around me. Surprisely it was the opposite. I always thought my Mother was strange when she got all excited over the first buds of spring, or the turning of the leaves. I never heard the crickets, the birds or smelt the rain; I was obvious to the world around me. To me nature was just a lot of work, picking cherries, feeding chickens and cows, weeding gardens…Not my idea of a gift. It wasn’t until after my husband died that that changed.

My defining moment came when I was outside repairing another board the horses had kicked off. It was still dark, and the tears of frustration and grief seemed to freeze to my face. I was ready to surrender to the darkness swirling around me. I cried out,
“How could you leave me like this? God, why do you hate me?”
At that moment the sun started to peek over the hill, bringing with it a ray of hope. Nature was handing me a gift. The sun breaking through the darkness awakened what was dead inside of me. The soft golden colors of the morning sun brought comfort to my aching soul. From that moment, nature has been my strength. No matter what life has thrown at me, there is something in nature that will calm me, and remind me this problem too will be solved, even in the storms; there is something to be learned.
Through the trials and tribulations of life I have discovered that nature has a healing touch.

I believe my purpose in life is to inspire and encourage others to look beyond the surface to the awareness that yes, God is here, longing to offer us comfort, encouragement, strength, and wisdom to handle life’s problems. All we need to do is open our eyes to the gift around us, Nature. My wish is that through my book, and web page you too will find that Yes, God is still here, longing to help you along the way.

Follow me on:

Youtube @vickiefisher3839

TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@hippydippygrandmom

1 Comment

One thought on “About Me

  1. Thank you for the directions to themes…and especially for your nicely written “my page”…We have a lot in common…I once was an anchorman at WJZ-TV in Baltimore and lived in Dickeyville…Later I worked for WRC in DC and NBC. In recent years I have been taking care of my daughters Andalusian horses. Like you I have repaired fences in freezing weather… the only times I wondered if God had forsaken me was after heart surgery, cancer radiation and a divorce…but he’s still here and I’m still hanging around.

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